Friday, December 4, 2009

Starstruck 8th Graders Visit CCSU Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium

Mrs. Rusnov's 8th grade science students were starry-eyed at the planetarium show at the Copernicus Planetarium and Observatory at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain. The students were starstruck by a spectacular night sky and regaled with tales of Greek mythology and constellations by Professor Craig Robinson. Students had a splendid lunch at Memorial Hall with CCSU students, and they took in panoramic views of the campus and college life. After lunch, students ascended the stairs high atop Copernicus Hall for a view through the observatory telescope. It was a truly memorable day filled with stars, planets, constellations, nebula, galaxies, and black holes. A day to "Get Your Geek On!" as the astronomy majors at CCSU say!